Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hello world!

August 21, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Movin’ On Up

March 21, 2009

If you check your address bar, you’ll notice that Revel & Feast has moved on from Blogspot and now resides at the simpler and more elegant Please adjust your bookmark accordingly. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sorting out the kinks and adding new features so let me know if there’s something you’d like to see on the new site.

A New Blog for a New Year

January 1, 2009

The first day of the year … a time to make resolutions, try unfamiliar things and breathe in the optimism that comes with new beginnings. Because I usually break any resolution in record time, this year I will keep it simple by just trying something new. Hence, this blog. Those of you already acquainted with me know how much I enjoy cooking, friends and parties. This blog will chronicle the new recipes I create, new foods and new places I encounter, interesting people I meet along the way, and whatever else strikes my fancy.